Thursday, July 30, 2015

536 - Nitrogenase-catalyzed Ethane Production and CO-sensitive Hydrogen Evolution from MoFe Proteins Having Amino Acid Substitutions in an α-Subunit FeMo Cofactor-binding Domain

To figure out which parts of the nitrogenase protein are important, this study made very specific mutations to amino acids in the protein in Azotobacter vinelandii to see how they affected the catalysis.

What They Saw
They grew cells, wild-type and mutants, with molybdenum, then extracted and tested their nitrogenase. There was a nifEN knockout strain, a nifDK knockout, and others with specific changes in nifD, sometimes combined with nifN knockout.

None of these had nitrogen-fixing activity. All had just as much dinitrogenase reductase activity as the wild-type; some had more. But regarding acetylene reduction, all nifN knockouts had about zero, but the single-mutation strains all had some, though none nearly as much as the wild-type. They each had more ethane production than the wild-type though, so although total reduction and ethylene production were lower, ethane production was higher.

The temperature stability of mutants wasn't all the same either; some were more sensitive to heat. Lowering the temperature below 30ºC also led to a lower proportion of electron flux going to ethane instead of ethylene (in the mutants that produced ethane). No ethane was seen at any temperature in the wild-type. Though these measurements may not have been reliable, so the trend might not be real.

Then they tried adding carbon monoxide (CO) to inhibit the enzymes. The pattern was the same for each strain (they say), but the amount of total inhibition was different; some were less sensitive than the wild-type, some more, some equal to wild-type.

The FeMo cofactor didn't seem to be different in the mutants; extracting it and using it to restore activity to an apoprotein gave the same results from each strain.

After these results on crude extracts, they purified wild-type nitrogenase and the mutants' most stable enzyme (that replaced the glutamine in NifD position 191 with a lysine). Under acetylene, the wild-type enzyme had about the same electron flux with or without 0.2% CO, but more went to ethylene (vs hydrogen) when CO was absent. 3% CO completely inhibited nitrogen fixation (under nitrogen, obviously), but didn't inhibit hydrogen production: about as much was produced with nitrogen and CO as with argon and CO (or argon without CO). Incidentally, this study gave a NH3 to H2 ratio of 1.4 to 1 in 100% nitrogen, which is somewhat lower than the normal 2 to 1.

With the mutant, there was at least 4x less electron flux overall. With CO absent, most of it went to hydrogen when acetylene was present, but what did go to acetylene produced some ethane and more ethylene (as usual). With argon or nitrogen, it all went to hydrogen. When CO was present, the electron flux seemed even more reduced, but the patterns of product were similar.

What This Means
The 191 glutamine residue seems involved in the catalysis, positioned near the FeMo cofactor active center as it is. I am curious about several things, considering nitrogenase's already interesting catalytic abilities: what would similar studies of the other nitrogenases show? What kind of activity might result from other modifications? And, does this kind of modification allow for the reduction of new substrates, such as carbon monoxide itself? These would be interesting studies, if they haven't been done already. Apparently the vanadium nitrogenase is less sensitive to CO than the Mo version here, and it has already been shown to reduce CO to hydrocarbons, at least in vitro.

The difference in acetylene reduction could be due to different affinities: in the wild-type, a new acetylene replaces an old as soon as it is reduced to ethylene, whereas in a mutant, the ethylene remains long enough to be reduced further to ethane. It seems like this difference is due to a difference in the enzyme itself, rather than the cofactor; so the enzyme itself affects the catalysis (though I guess that's not surprising).


Monday, July 27, 2015

525 - Hydrogen-mediated mannose uptake in Azotobacter vinelandii

This study looked at Azotobacter vinelandii's ability to use hydrogen gas to power its uptake of the sugar mannose.

What They Saw
They grew A. vinelandii CA in Burk broth but with mannose instead of glucose or sucrose, and either hydrogen or argon in the atmosphere (along with nitrogen and oxygen). They used 14C mannose to observe its uptake via the radioactivity of the isotope.

The increase in radioactivity from mannose activity was a lot higher in cells given hydrogen than those without, up to 5-fold.

They tried inhibiting respiration to see if that was related to this effect, and found that usually by inhibiting respiration, they could inhibit the increased mannose uptake, so it seems to be respiration-dependent rather than some sort of regulatory effect.

So this seems to be another of hydrogen's possible roles in the energy metabolism of Azotobacter.

Maier, R. J. & Prosser, J. Hydrogen-mediated mannose uptake in Azotobacter vinelandii. J. Bacteriol. 170, 1986–1989 (1988).

Friday, July 24, 2015

524 - In vivo and in vitro nickel-dependent processing of the [NiFe] hydrogenase in Azotobacter vinelandii

This study looked at Azotobacter vinelandii's hydrogenase again, its post-translational processing, and whether nickel influenced this process.

What They Saw
The normal Azotobacter medium (Burk's) has enough contaminating nickel that adding it is unnecessary. But when they added a chelator (nitrilotriacetate) to bind it up, the hydrogenase activity decreased by 80% without affecting growth. This inhibition was lessened by adding nickel.

Nickel availability seemed to affect which form of the alpha subunit was present: the larger, unprocessed form, or the smaller, mature form. With nickel available, only the smaller form was seen; when it was bound up, only the larger. But when excess nickel was added, following the proteins over time showed that gradually the population shifted from larger to smaller as the nickel was used. These two forms are found in different places: the smaller is bound to the membrane (as it should be), and the larger is soluble.

Inhibiting protein synthesis, such as with chloramphenicol, and then adding nickel led to a similar increase in activity as a control without an inhibitor, up to 70 minutes; so for this period, increasing activity wasn't due to protein synthesis. But after this point, the inhibited cultures stopped increasing while the uninhibited continued. The processing of the large form into the small continued regardless of inhibition. So it seems that nickel is important partially for processing and partially for stimulating protein synthesis.

In vitro, ATP or GTP was important for processing. Membranes and oxygen (or lack thereof) were not important. No divalent cation could substitute for nickel: zinc inhibited processing completely, and cobalt or calcium some too. The only protease inhibitor that prevented processing was 1,10-phenanthroline, which inhibits metal-activated proteases.

What This Means
It seems that nickel and processing are both essential for hydrogenase activity, and apparently they are interrelated. It's possible that the processing is regulated by the presence of nickel; without the metal, there isn't much point. Or maybe processing without nickel available will lead to nonfunctional product that can't be fixed. Alternatively, the protease that does the processing could require nickel. It's hard to distinguish these possibilities though. Anyway, it seems like when nickel is absent, the hydrogenase subunits are present but in a premature form, waiting for nickel. How poetic.

Menon, A. L. & Robson, R. L. In vivo and in vitro nickel-dependent processing of the [NiFe] hydrogenase in Azotobacter vinelandii. J. Bacteriol. 176, 291–295 (1994).

Thursday, July 23, 2015

523 - Carboxyl-terminal processing may be essential for production of active NiFe hydrogenase in Azotobacter vinelandii

Based on amino acid prediction from gene sequence, the HoxG alpha subunit of the uptake hydrogenase should be about 66.6 kDa, but in the wild-type it appears smaller. In some mutants with accessory genes knocked out, the size matches this number. So this study tried to figure out if post-translational processing was involved in producing active enzyme. N-terminal modification was already ruled out, as that sequence matches the prediction.

What They Saw
They grew Azotobacter vinelandii CA and purified its hydrogenase, then studied its subunits with mass spectrometry.

They observed that the actual size of the larger subunit was 64.9 kDa, smaller than the 66.6 predicted size. The N-terminal was still the same as predicted, so they concluded that about 15 amino acids had been removed from the C-terminal of the subunit. This appears to be necessary for it to function.

Gollin, D. J., Mortenson, L. E. & Robson, R. L. Carboxyl-terminal processing may be essential for production of active NiFe hydrogenase in Azotobacter vinelandii. FEBS Letters 309, 371–375 (1992).

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

516 - Role of magnesium adenosine 5'-triphosphate in the hydrogen evolution reaction catalyzed by nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii

Nitrogenase evolves hydrogen in a reaction that depends on ATP. The amount of ATP varies from 2 ATP per electron to over 20 (supposedly). The 4Fe-4S cluster in the dinitrogenase reductase donates one electron to the dinitrogenase, binding 2 ATP to do so. It seems like the ATP-powered flow of electrons can determine how many go toward hydrogen and how many toward nitrogen fixation. This study wanted to see if powering this flux was ATP's only role.

What They Saw
They purified enzyme from Azotobacter vinelandii and separated the two components, then mixed them with MgATP in in vitro assays. They observed that there was a burst of rapid ATP hydrolysis at first, which leveled off and remained fairly constant for the rest of the time. It seemed like the rate was the same as the rate of electron transfer between components. They confirmed the rate of about 2 ATP per electron; this makes sense with the dinitrogenase accepting two electrons at a time, one for each of its molybdenum atoms. The rate depended on the concentration of ATP, which makes sense and indicates that ATP is essential. This is also true when measuring the amount of hydrogen produced.

What This Means
They appeared to succeed in their goal of showing that ATP's only role in this reaction was powering the electron transfer, though some ATP can be used up to no purpose in some conditions.

Hageman, R. V., Orme-Johnson, W. H. & Burris, R. H. Role of magnesium adenosine 5’-triphosphate in the hydrogen evolution reaction catalyzed by nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii. Biochemistry 19, 2333–2342 (1980).

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

515 - Hydrogen Uptake and Methylene Blue Reduction Activities of Hydrogenase in Azotobacter agile

This study used tritium (3H, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen) uptake to look at hydrogenase and nitrogenase activity in Azotobacter agile (aka A. agilis I think).

What They Saw
The tritium was ditritium gas, similar to dihydrogen. They purified and fractionated protein from the bacteria and tested the fractions for tritium uptake, methylene blue reduction, and acetylene reduction. They found that acetylene reduction and the other two were found in separate fractions (makes sense; one's nitrogenase and the others hydrogenase). Tritium uptake could be stimulated with ATP somehow.

Tritium uptake and methylene blue reduction mostly went together in terms of fractionation, but there was a little of the latter in some fractions where the former wasn't observed. So there could be something else reducing methylene blue.

They found that carbon monoxide (CO) inhibited tritium uptake, though it was less inhibitory when ATP was present.

What This Means
This supports the idea that nitrogenase produces hydrogen while hydrogenase oxidizes it and reduces electron acceptors such as methylene blue. It's weird that ATP should stimulate that though, and also weird that some fractions had reduction activity but not hydrogen oxidation.

Suzuki, T., Maruyama, Y. & Nakamura, M. Hydrogen Uptake and Methylene Blue Reduction Activities of Hydrogenase in Azotobacter agile. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 43, 2067–2073 (1979).

Monday, July 20, 2015

457 - Hydrogenase and Nitrogen Fixation by Azotobacter

This study looked at hydrogenase in different Azotobacter species (A. vinelandii, A. chroococcum, A. agile whatever that is).

What They Saw
They looked at different kinds and amounts of fixed nitrogen and their effect and different gases in the atmosphere. Many experiments used ammonium phosphate or other forms of ammonium, and they thought maybe the drop in pH seen as ammonium was consumed led to decreased hydrogenase activity, but actually even when they used forms that didn't allow a pH drop, they still saw the same decrease, suggesting that it's the fixed nitrogen itself that leads to decreased activity. Which makes sense.

They found, consistent across species, that ammonium led to the biggest activity decrease, about 60-80%; nitrate as little as 20%; and glutamate hardly at all. I think these cultures were not adapted to these compounds though.

So they tried adapted cultures too. They found that the more fixed nitrogen they added, the less hydrogenase activity they saw. Adaptation didn't matter with ammonium, but cultures adapted to nitrate had more of a decrease in activity. Apparently they didn't test glutamate.

Then they compared cells with various nitrogen sources grown in air or in a hydrogen-oxygen mixture. They didn't test cells without a nitrogen source in this gas mixture though, maybe because they couldn't grow. Anyway, the hydrogenase was always more active in air with no fixed nitrogen than with any kind of fixed nitrogen (as seen before), and with H2-O2 the activity seemed even lower, even than with the same fixed nitrogen source in air. Activity was almost zero in nitrate-adapted cells given nitrate. This seems odd; previous studies seemed to show that hydrogen stimulated hydrogenase activity.

What This Means
I'd say other studies showing stimulation by hydrogen were more convincing, but at least this one was consistent showing an adaptation effect and down-regulation in the presence of fixed nitrogen.

Lee, S. B. & Wilson, P. W. Hydrogenase and Nitrogen Fixation by Azotobacter. J. Biol. Chem. 151, 377–385 (1943).

454 - Activity of the H2-oxidizing hydrogenase in different N2-fixing bacteria

Despite some studies suggesting that hydrogen stimulates hydrogenase, other data suggested it does not. So the people who generated this data did this study on various species, including Azotobacter vinelandii CA, and claimed that low oxygen stimulated hydrogenase activity.

What They Saw
They grew A. vinelandii with ammonium chloride and measured hydrogenase activity with different electron acceptors (oxygen, methylene blue, etc). As A. vinelandii grew, it used up the dissolved oxygen, and hydrogenase activity went up but then back down after the oxygen was gone (when oxygen or iron cyanide were the electron acceptors, it went to zero; otherwise it didn't go all the way to zero). This was all in the presence of ammonium.

What This Means
Based on other studies, I wouldn't expect much activity from hydrogenase in general when growing with fixed nitrogen. I'm not sure how to interpret these results, especially with electron acceptors other than oxygen, but I guess it would make sense if hydrogenase were somewhat downregulated in low-oxygen conditions, even if other acceptors were present.

Pinkwart, M., Bahl, H., Reimer, M., Wölfle, D. & Berndt, H. Activity of the H2-oxidizing hydrogenase in different N2-fixing bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Letters 6, 177–181 (1979).

Friday, July 17, 2015

453 - Direct mass-spectrometric determination of the relationship between respiration, hydrogenase and nitrogenase activities in Azotobacter chroococcum

This study looked at hydrogen and its relationship to different enzymatic processes in Azotobacter chroococcum.

What They Saw
The organism was grown in continuous culture with limited oxygen, 5% glucose. Samples were removed and sparged with different mixtures of argon, oxygen, and deuterium. Gases are measured by mass spectrometer.

Their figure is pretty confusing, poorly designed, and poorly described, but as far as I can tell, when they added either 80% argon with 20% oxygen or 70% argon, 20% oxygen, and 10% deuterium, the oxygen goes down to near zero within about 5 minutes either way, at which point hydrogen production starts increasing and deuterium uptake slows down or stops. So it seems like oxygen is required for hydrogenase to work.

They tried again with the addition of some carbon monoxide and acetylene to inhibit hydrogenase. This didn't really change the oxygen consumption, but deuterium consumption was a lot lower. Hydrogen evolution was the same.

What This Means
The deuterium consumption is by hydrogenase, of course, and it seems like oxygen is a necessary electron acceptor for it to function (in the absence of something else). But it seems like the increase in hydrogen evolution is not because hydrogenase stopped working, but rather because nitrogenase started, as oxygen stopped interfering. This is something we've seen before.

Oxygen is important for many things: it provides energy by accepting electrons, powering the nitrogenase and allowing more hydrogen production. It accepts electrons from hydrogenase, enabling hydrogen oxidation. It inhibits nitrogenase, reducing hydrogen production. Pretty confusing.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

448 - Hydrogen-deuterium exchange reactions catalysed by nitrogenase

Previous reports suggested that nitrogenase could convert dideuterium (D2) to hydrogen-deuterium (HD) by swapping one hydrogen from water with one deuterium atom. This only happened in the presence of nitrogen. This was tested in various organisms with D2 or D2O as a source of deuterium.

Azotobacter species didn't make HD unless ATP and electrons were present. They actually made less hydrogen and HD with nitrogen than with argon, contradicting earlier findings. 10% CO did inhibit HD formation but not hydrogen formation. Acetylene and methyl isocyanide inhibited HD completely. Cyanide partially or fully inhibited.

There was more exchange with D2O than with D2 for some reason, but this was inhibited more by nitrogen or cyanide.

This seems to have implications for nitrogenase's functions relating to hydrogen.

Kelly, M. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange reactions catalysed by nitrogenase. Biochem J 109, 322–324 (1968).

365 - Mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation VII. Molecular H2 and the pN2 function of Azotobacter

They looked at the amount of nitrogen fixed with different concentrations in the atmosphere, in Azotobacter vinelandii and chroococcum cells. They were looking for KN2: the concentration of nitrogen at which the amount of nitrogen fixed is half the maximum.

With inert gases (argon, helium) or with a partial vacuum, the concentration of nitrogen had to get down below 0.15 atm before the fixation decreased much. It gets to 50% around 0.01 atm. But when there was hydrogen, the rate decreased more quickly; the more, the faster. So hydrogen seems to inhibit the nitrogenase, but only at very high concentrations (over 20% of the atmosphere). This inhibition is competitive and reversible.

Wyss, O., Lind, C. J., Wilson, J. B. & Wilson, P. W. Mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation VII. Molecular H2 and the pN2 function of Azotobacter. Biochem J 35, 845–854 (1941).

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

362 - Mutants of Azotobacter chroococcum Defective in Hydrogenase Activity

This study isolated some hydrogenase-negative mutants of Azotobacter chroococcum by chemical mutagenesis and looked at how they behaved.

What They Saw
Almost all of the 16 mutants had almost no hydrogenase activity, as expected. Some had a little, <2% of wild-type. Some more had a little hydrogen-producing activity in the right conditions, usually less than 7% of the wild-type, but one had 40% of wild-type. That one also seemed to have a relatively active soluble hydrogenase (possibly the uptake hydrogenase in soluble form). All of them seemed able to take up nickel.

The one weirdest mutant, MCD-124, showed max activity at a different pH (5.5 instead of 8) and was weird in other ways.

Also, the authors were surprised by the frequency with which they could get hydrogenase mutants. They wondered whether the relevant genes were just more susceptible, or if the growth medium was more favorable to mutants somehow, or if there were just that many necessary genes. But judging from the genome sequence, this isn't quite a sufficient explanation.

Overall, it's hard to know exactly what's going on in this study.

Yates, M. G. & Robson, R. L. Mutants of Azotobacter chroococcum Defective in Hydrogenase Activity. J Gen Microbiol 131, 1459–1466 (1985).

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

358 - Molecular H2 and the pN2 function of Azotobacter

There was a question at this time of whether hydrogen in the air could inhibit nitrogen fixation in Azotobacter vinelandii, and in what conditions this might happen. There were various complicating factors though. This study attempted to do a more controlled investigation using purified enzyme.

What They Saw
They observed that the higher the concentration of nitrogen in the atmosphere, the more nitrogen was fixed in a given time (thus the higher the specific activity was). From this they could calculate the KN2, by plotting the inverse of the specific activity over the inverse of the concentration and taking the slope of the line. This is an indication of the enzyme's affinity for nitrogen, I think. This is higher than seen from intact cells (0.01).

Then they got to the hydrogen inhibition experiments. As they increased the amount of hydrogen, the nitrogen-fixing activity did seem to decrease, indicating competitive inhibition.

One issue that they didn't control for was the production of hydrogen by nitrogenase itself; this could've influenced the numbers. It could also influence the KN2 numbers, come to think of it. It's also unclear whether the extracts had any hydrogenase activity, which could influence things in the opposite direction.

Strandberg, G. W. & Wilson, P. W. Molecular H2 and the pN2 function of Azotobacter. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 58, 1404–1409 (1967).

Monday, July 13, 2015

340 - Kinetic studies of the nitrogenase-catalyzed hydrogen evolution and nitrogen reduction reactions

This study looked at the kinetics of hydrogen production from purified nitrogenase; also, the nitrogen fixation reaction.

What They Saw
This nitrogenase was purified from Azotobacter vinelandii; they don't give details on culture conditions, so presumably it's the molybdenum version.

First, they observed that more ATP meant more hydrogen over time. The free phosphate-to-hydrogen ratio was similar at all levels though, so that makes sense. The same pattern was seen for nitrogen fixation, except the proportion of electron flux going to ammonia increased as ATP increased; more hydrogen was produced at lower ATP, relative to ammonia.

They found that whether under nitrogen or argon, the electron flux was the same; this was true over multiple ATP concentrations.

Silverstein, R. & Bulen, W. A. Kinetic studies of the nitrogenase-catalyzed hydrogen evolution and nitrogen reduction reactions. Biochemistry 9, 3809–3815 (1970).

Thursday, July 9, 2015

335 - ATP-Dependent hydrogen evolution by cell-free preparations of Azotobacter vinelandii

This study looked at hydrogen production in Azotobacter vinelandii strain O, to see what induced it in cell extracts.

What They Saw
Hydrogen production depended on ATP. Argon or hydrogen in the atmosphere didn't matter. The higher the protein concentration, the more hydrogen was produced. At 0ºC in air, the enzyme was pretty stable; over 90% activity was left after 3 days.

Hydrogen oxidation activity was found in separate fractions from the production activity, so they concluded it was a different enzyme.

Comparing extracts from cells grown with urea or no fixed nitrogen, they saw no hydrogen production activity in urea samples, but the hydrogen oxidation activity with urea was lower than that without.

What This Means
We know now that the hydrogen production comes from nitrogenase and the hydrogen oxidation from hydrogenase. It's surprising how air-stable the nitrogenase seemed to be outside the context of the cell, but I guess it was still surrounded by cellular elements in the crude extract. Also I'm not sure how oxygen inactivation affects nitrogenase hydrogen production.

Burns, R. C. & Bulen, W. A. ATP-Dependent hydrogen evolution by cell-free preparations of Azotobacter vinelandii. Biochim Biophys Acta 105, 437–445 (1965).

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

308 - Hydrogen-mediated enhancement of hydrogenase expression in Azotobacter vinelandii

This study looked at whether added hydrogen could stimulate hydrogenase activity in Azotobacter vinelandii.

What They Saw
They grew cells with or without ammonium, then added argon or hydrogen to their headspace, and measured whole-cell or purified hydrogenase activity. Oxygen or methylene blue were electron acceptors.

With ammonium, there was a little activity, but adding hydrogen gas increased it about 2.5 to 5 times. As a control, injecting the same amount of argon didn't change anything. In nitrogen-fixing cells, adding hydrogen didn't affect activity.

As with others, activity increased over time in the culture, even corrected by biomass; the hypothesis was that excess carbon inhibits it somehow.

If they added an mRNA or protein synthesis inhibitor (rifampin or chloramphenicol) before adding the hydrogen, activity didn't increase with either case, so it seemed like the regulation was transcriptional.

Also, since the effect was the same with methylene blue (which doesn't require electron transport chain components to act as electron acceptor), it seemed that the regulation was at the hydrogenase directly rather than a related component.

Comparing a couple of Mo nitrogenase-deficient strains (CA11 and CA30) to their parent, they saw that hydrogen didn't affect hydrogenase activity in CA much (in nitrogen-fixing conditions), but it did increase the activity a lot in the mutants. The hydrogenase protein abundance increased too. But in conditions with ammonium, CA and CA11 behaved pretty similar.

Prosser, J., Graham, L. & Maier, R. J. Hydrogen-mediated enhancement of hydrogenase expression in Azotobacter vinelandii. J. Bacteriol. 170, 1990–1993 (1988).

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

307 - The Relationship Between Hydrogenase and Nitrogenase in Azotobacter chroococcum: Effect of Nitrogen Sources on Hydrogenase Activity

This study looked at the influence of different sources of nitrogen on the activity of nitrogenase and hydrogenase in Azotobacter chroococcum.

What They Saw
They grew cells in batch or continuous culture with sodium nitrate, ammonium acetate or chloride, or dinitrogen gas. Cultures were either carbon- or sulfate-limited. Dissolved oxygen was kept above zero. Nitrogenase activity was measured by acetylene reduction and hydrogenase by methylene blue (or by adding H-T with radioactive tritium and measuring radioactivity of resulting water when oxygen was the electron acceptor).

There was about twice as much hydrogenase activity when cells were fixing nitrogen in batch than when they had either ammonium or nitrate. They cite other results in A. chroococcum and A. vinelandii that showed higher activity with nitrate than ammonium though, but still less than when fixing nitrogen. This might be because cells have to adapt to use nitrate, and they'll be fixing nitrogen before that happens. But care is necessary because activity changes over the course of a batch culture, increasing throughout exponential phase even when standardized by protein concentration.

In continuous cultures, they started growing with ammonium, then switched to nitrogen-free, watched what happened with hydrogenase and nitrogenase, and then pulsed a limited amount of ammonium. As expected, nitrogenase activity started up and rose to a plateau, then immediately stopped when ammonium was added, and restarted when it was removed. Hydrogenase activity showed a similar pattern, though more delayed, and it never went all the way to zero.

In sulfate-limited culture, hydrogenase activity was lower even when fixing nitrogen, about the same as with ammonium in carbon limitation, and when going from fixing to non-fixing (with ammonium), the activity declined a bit but then went back up to about the same level. Results were similar going from non-fixing to fixing. So with sulfate limitation, nitrogen source doesn't matter much.

Also with nitrogen-fixing cells in sulfate limitation, when they increased the dilution rate, hydrogenase activity decreased but nitrogenase increased. The decrease wasn't linear, though; it leveled off.

They also tested whether adding hydrogen to the atmosphere of an ammonium-grown culture would influence hydrogenase activity, and it did! Hydrogenase activity doubled. This was not the case with sulfate limitation though, only carbon limitation. They didn't test nitrogen-fixing cells.

What This Means
The continuous culture experiments helped overcome the constantly changing activity in batch cultures.

That hydrogenase activity lags behind nitrogenase activity increase when ammonium runs out could be explained by the last observation: maybe nitrogenase starts producing hydrogen (as it does) and this stimulates hydrogenase activity.

They reasoned from the data that excess carbon might inhibit hydrogenase activity somehow (like catabolite repression). I'm not sure that makes sense, but it seems possible, and does fit with the data from batch cultures, sulfate limitations, and increasing dilution rates. Interesting.

Partridge, C. D. P., Walker, C. C., Yates, M. G. & Postgate, J. R. The Relationship Between Hydrogenase and Nitrogenase in Azotobacter chroococcum: Effect of Nitrogen Sources on Hydrogenase Activity. J Gen Microbiol 119, 313–319 (1980).

297 - The identification, characterization, sequencing and mutagenesis of the genes (hupSL) encoding the small and large subunits of the H2-uptake hydrogenase of Azotobacter chroococcum

And finally, seeming to complete our journey back in time through the discovery of hydrogenase genetics in Azotobacter chroococcum, this study looks at the structural genes, hupSL.

What They Saw
The sequences were similar to A. vinelandii's hoxKG structural genes. They tried knocking each out, then measuring hydrogen oxidation (with methylene blue) and hydrogen production (with methyl viologen). As expected, hydrogen oxidation in mutants was no higher than negative controls. Surprisingly, they did see hydrogen production in the some of the different mutants with a strong electron donor, but it was less than in the wild-type. Only the mutant with an insertion very close to the start of the hupS gene had no hydrogen production.

What This Means
It seems like a fragment of HupS is sufficient to produce hydrogen with a strong electron donor, but not as much as with both HupS and HupL completely intact.


Monday, July 6, 2015

296 - The Azotobacter chroococcum hydrogenase gene cluster: sequences and genetic analysis of four accessory genes, hup A, hupB, hupY and hupC

So at this point, hupSL (hydrogenase structural genes) and hupDE (accessory genes at the end of the operon) had already been identified. This study found a few more upstream of hupDE.

What They Saw
They sequenced the DNA upstream of hupDE and found four open reading frames, which they called hupABYC. The AB and C were similar to E. coli genes, but the Y wasn't, so they called it Y (for Ynknown, I guess). These were all homologous to A. vinelandii genes though, and in the same order.

Then they tried knocking out each of these. Each knockout was unable to oxidize hydrogen, even in the presence of methylene blue as an electron acceptor.

They also made a fusion of HupL (the structural subunit) and beta-galactosidase, then knocked out hupY or hupB to see if this changed the expression of hupL. Beta-galactosidase activity rose a little bit, like 25% in each, but it didn't seem either was an important regulator.


295 - Sequences, organization and analysis of the hupZMNOQRTV genes from the Azotobacter chroococcum hydrogenase gene cluster

This study focuses on the hydrogenase genes in Azotobacter chroococcum. They had already found hupSL encoding the structural genes (equivalent to A. vinelandii's hoxKG I guess), and then the accessory genes hupABYCDE further downstream (homologous to A. vinelandii's hypABFCDE). Now, in between, are the hupZMNOQRTV genes, completing the 16-gene operon.

What They Saw
This set of genes seems to be homologous to A. vinelandii's hoxZMLOQRTV string, making the whole operon very similar in both organisms.

As in previous studies, HupZ (and its analog, HoxZ) seems to be an electron carrier in the membrane, possibly a cytochrome. When they knocked it out, they observed similar results to 070: hydrogenase could oxidize hydrogen with methylene blue as an electron acceptor, but not with oxygen, so HupZ seems to be part of the transport chain to oxygen.

Based on comparison with homologs in other organisms, HupM may help the hydrogenase attach to the membrane, or with processing the subunits. It's unclear. The other genes may be involved in processing or metal stuff. HupR may be another electron-carrying protein. Further study is required.

Du, L., Tibelius, K. H., Souza, E. M., Garg, R. P. & Yates, M. G. Sequences, organization and analysis of the hupZMNOQRTV genes from the Azotobacter chroococcum hydrogenase gene cluster. Journal of Molecular Biology 243, 549–557 (1994).

Thursday, July 2, 2015

190 - Characterization of a Tungsten-Substituted Nitrogenase Isolated from Rhodobacter capsulatus

The three normal nitrogenases have molybdenum and iron, vanadium and iron, or just iron in their central cofactors. This study looked at whether it's possible to have a version that only has tungsten in it though, and if it has any activity, in Rhodobacter capsulatus.

What They Saw
This strain only has Mo and Fe nitrogenases, and they knocked out the latter. So when they removed all Mo from the medium and added W, the only thing it would produce would be Mo nitrogenase with W in it, theoretically.

Adding tungsten almost completely stopped acetylene reduction activity in the wild-type, unless 10x more Mo was added. So tungsten doesn't allow that kind of activity.

Mo also induces production of the Mo nitrogenase (which makes sense), but W also seems to have that effect, though not to the same extent.

Then they purified nitrogenase that had been produced when only W was present (in significant amounts) in the mutant. Purification was the same with this as with Mo in the wild-type, though of course the yield was lower. But the protein had 1 atom of W and none of Mo pretty much, as hoped. Still, it seems like there's only one FeW cofactor, not two, but at least there aren't any FeMos.

This protein still wasn't very active in acetylene reduction, and it didn't seem to be able to fix nitrogen at all. What it could do, though, was produce hydrogen when under an argon atmosphere, so electron flux wasn't totally abolished. And this activity wasn't inhibited by acetylene, unlike in the Mo version. Still, the amount of hydrogen it produced was only 1/4th the amount the normal enzyme could produce in the same conditions.

Finally they wanted to see if rhenium (Re) could take the place of Mo as a FeReco and be functional, since Re is not far from Mo and W (one more proton than W), so they tried growing cells with perrhenate (KReO4), but it didn't seem to help at all. The cells didn't even appear to be able to assimilate it, so it wasn't possible to test whether the nitrogenase could use it.

What This Means
It's difficult to do this kind of study, because Mo and other metals are almost impossible to eliminate completely from the medium. But they seem to have succeeded as much as possible, and still the nitrogenase only had one FeW cofactor rather than two. But surprisingly it showed some proton reduction activity, though not an exceptional amount. It seems like W in the protein is much more difficult to reduce, an essential step in the catalysis. Maybe the amount of reduction that's possible is only enough for some proton reduction activity.

One interesting speculation is based on an observation that Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus can fix nitrogen in the presence of tungstate at 60ºC, a pretty high temperature, so they wonder whether the nitrogenase with FeWco in R. capsulatus might also have more activity at higher temperature, but they didn't actually test this. Maybe another study.

Siemann, S., Schneider, K., Oley, M. & Müller, A. Characterization of a Tungsten-Substituted Nitrogenase Isolated from Rhodobacter capsulatus. Biochemistry 42, 3846–3857 (2003).

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

162 - Hydrogen evolution: A major factor affecting the efficiency of nitrogen fixation in nodulated symbionts

In the nitrogen fixation process, hydrogen gas is produced. This consumes extra ATP, about 4 per molecule of hydrogen (for reference, a molecule of glucose can be fully oxidized to produce about 30 ATP). This paper looks at this process in legume nodules and its effects on yield.

What They Saw
They got nodules from different kinds of plants, infected with either wild bacteria or commercial strains, and measured hydrogen production in air or argon, and acetylene reduction.

In an in vitro nitrogenase system, activity depended on the presence of ATP, reducing equivalents, and the enzyme. The ratio of hydrogen in argon to hydrogen in air here was about 3.

There was a pretty wide variety of values they saw, but most seemed to cluster around a measure of 50% of the hydrogen produced in argon was produced in air; so the presence of nitrogen reduced the hydrogen production by half. It's not clear how uptake hydrogenases might have affected these numbers though. They got similar results with whole plants. This means that each nitrogen gets 6 electrons to become 2 ammonia, and another 6 electrons go to hydrogen; that seems like a lot.

They also noticed that adding enough acetylene stopped the hydrogen production, so it seemed like hydrogen is not a necessary byproduct of that reaction.

What This Means
Correlation between amounts of acetylene reduced and nitrogen fixed are not necessarily accurate, because of the hydrogen produced as a byproduct. But the hydrogen production seems to be a big waste of efficiency; reducing this could help increase yield, maybe by choosing good nodulating bacteria. They wonder whether the hydrogen could be captured from plants somehow and used for energy.

Schubert, K. R. & Evans, H. J. Hydrogen evolution: A major factor affecting the efficiency of nitrogen fixation in nodulated symbionts. Proc Natl Acad Sci 73, 1207–1211 (1976).